Selasa, 16 Julai 2013

Hamba Audio....

Help me I don't know what I'm doin
Help me before I fall to ruin
And if I'm blind, I will lead you on
Come follow me now, before our time is gone

And as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck and never your curse

Help me I don't know what I'm saying
Sometimes this tongue can be betraying
And if I'm wrong, is that such a crime?
And if you want, you can set my words to right

And as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck

And if your eyes forget to well
And if your lies forget to tell
And if our paths forget to cross
It doesn't mean you're lost

So as you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck

If you're laughing at this fool tonight
Let me rid myself of any line that I might use to trip you up
And as I'm howling at the moonlight, don't you kid yourself
I will be your luck
Cause even at my worst
I will be your luck
never be your curse

Golden Gate Bridge San Ipohsisco Perak. Bajet...hahaha..
BxRxD : What you gonna be Pa..?
Ipoh     : I will be your luck, never be your curse son....

Abg2 Long suda mau mari!!!

Bak kata my homie Deebs Kichi
"Dari tada bulu smpi bbulu maa kte layan"

Mmg btol bro,kaset 1st dlm hdup aku adlh Reload..Aku ingat lg time form2, aku collect dari Reload hingga ke Kill Em All juz bbrapa bulan je..Kumpul duit cukup runner kdai kaset, cukup lg runner lg...smpi setel..Pastu aku akan kan pakai earphone smbung radio,bring mcm mummia. Spend lima hingga enam jam juz utk hafal metallica.tu kcik2 punyer citer. Hahahaha Sampai ke hari ini aku still follow metallica punyer album.Sumer tbaek dengan karekter yng tersendiri..Apa yang diorang luahkan dan feel untuk muzik diorang sumer masuk dengan aku. Macam riff2 dari Deeb Kichi and Kuriyama gitaris aku. Kene dengan jiwa walaupun kuriyama punyer riff agak jambu dan matematikal. HAHAHAHAHAHaaa

Now...setelah lebih kurang 20 tahun, diorang nk mai Asia Tenggara..Mula2 singapore... Aku dah goyang dah...My blood brader Senyum dah nmpk tambak johor dah...Smpi trjadilaa selisih paham cket dngan tunang...hahaha ble aku nk p sngapore...Tahun ni nak kawen maaa, duit manyak pkai... hahaha. So aku wrap Metallica live in singapore dan campak2 jauh2 dr hati...Xde rejeki...Duit pun slamat.. Tp ble nk tdo, terasa kalu kalu ble dh smpi seru singapore tuu...wa gasak jgak laaaa...kalu ada kaki...HAHAHAHA

 Tup tap tup tap!!! Metallica nak rock KL!!! Cowabunga dude..Ehe..damn bro..tbe2 maleh nk taip plak rasa...HAHAHAHAHAHA so  ,Jumpe Stadium Merdeka la 21Ogos...kt zon mana tuuu...sindri mau tau laaa... hahahaha rahsiaa.

C yaa.... narekek amma...

Lupe plak...Metallica Pushead OTW dr San Fernando,California...3 piece...Hahahaha..Get Ready Crythong!!!